Hello, I am a young individual who is 18 years old and recently graduated from high school. I have decided to postpone university for 1-2 years to improve myself in various aspects while I have the time and financial means. Currently, I am working from home and have enough income to achieve financial independence. I use a portion of this money to help my family. However, I have many things I want to accomplish that require more resources. When I say things I want to do, I don't mean childish desires but concrete goals. I believe that obtaining a passive income would be a sensible first step towards this. Can you provide me with some ideas on how to generate passive income? I am not expecting an immediate flow of money, as I mentioned, I have the time. I will soon start taking an Udemy course. I am also considering starting a website, but I am unsure of how practical that would be. I am looking forward to your assistance. As I write this message, I realize that I have been unable to sleep due to seeking ideas. It's already 5 in the morning