I shortened the original title; BIG QUESTION=PHP or Wordpress! Should we code ourselves or should we use Wordpress? Happy Friday... I think the title is clear... I can elaborate on the topic as follows: 1) Can we say that our self-coded site is safer since those who want to harm the site are very knowledgeable about the vulnerabilities of Wordpress? 2) Assuming it will be a comprehensive blog (like medium.com), is it possible for Wordpress to be insufficient? 3) Can we say that our self-coded site is more flexible and easily developable? 4) Can we say that no matter what we do, we cannot create a better SEO ARCHITECTURE than Wordpress? 5) If we want to create content in Turkish and English, does Wordpress have any ease? 6) Would you agree that it's better to create a CLEAN ARCHITECTURE WITH PHP instead of dealing with editing Wordpress and struggling with plugins when necessary? And I would appreciate if you share your other opinions if you have any... Thank you...