WmZilla - Webmaster and Marketplace

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Do NOT TRUST ads that offer discounts of up to 40% and have threshold limits.


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Greetings everyone; PLEASE READ IF YOU WANT CHEAP ADVERTISING. I am going to share a very beneficial experience with you all. Let me tell you about an incident that happened to me: Until 10 days ago, I opened an Adwords ad with a 40% discount. I have my own panel, but in the desire to have cheaper advertising, I made a deal with a person named xxxxxxxxx. They told me that they could make a 10,000 lira ad for 4,000 lira. I used to run ads for 2 weeks for 4,000 lira from my own panel, so the idea of running a 10,000 lira ad for a month seemed very attractive. I first made a 2,000 lira advance payment to the person insisting on the money, and after my ads appeared, I said I would send another 2,000 lira, and the next day when my ads started appearing, I sent another 2,000 lira. My ad started but on the 6th evening, it was closed. When I asked why, they told me that the 10,000 lira had run out, and they asked for another 4,000 lira to renew it immediately. When I said it has only been 6 days and I can run ads for 2 weeks for 4,000 lira, they showed me the report of the ad they ran. When I saw the report, I was shocked. The ad that usually cost me 1 lira was costing the person 0.45 euros, which is 6.5 lira. Strangely, even 40% costs 2.60 lira. I run ads for 1 lira from my own panel. I got a huge rip-off thinking I would get cheap advertising. Even if I showed him I can run ads for 1 lira, he kept saying that this tiered account is how things work. I got ripped off, so do not fall for the promise of cheap advertising. Opening ads from your own panel is much cheaper. DO NOT BELIEVE, BE DECEIVED, OR SCAMMED by those opening ads with a 40% discount. WITH RESPECT TO EVERYONE.



