Since August, I have been consistently sending applications to Google for Adsense. After 4 months of sending applications, my latest application was accepted. It was approved in about 1 day, so I believe we received a bot approval. Previously, the applications were getting stuck in manual review, taking a long time. Interestingly, I did not make any changes to the privacy policy, contact information, or anything else. I simply continued to add content. I wrote a lot of SEO-friendly content, but Google did not approve it. Then, I made a change to my policy and decided to share non-SEO-friendly content that I wanted instead of prioritizing Google. These were contents related to my unique projects not found on other sites. After doing this, I saw that my application was approved. In short, it seems like Google is saying here; don’t focus on writing SEO-friendly content, work on user-centric content instead. This is because, as you know, there are Google Panda and Google Penguin algorithms. A developer within these algorithms advises working for users, not bots, by doing SEO.