Hello friends. My friend and I purchased a VDS and set up a Minecraft server. The server has been working normally until today, but I noticed that the VDS completely freezes when the Minecraft server is running, resulting in the game server crashing. What should I do to fix this issue?
Processor: Intel Xeon E5 2699
Minecraft version: 1.21
Additionally, there are 2 servers running through BungeeCord. One is for logging in, and once logged in, it redirects to the main server. I allocated 2GB of RAM to the login server and 4GB to the other one.
Processor: Intel Xeon E5 2699
Minecraft version: 1.21
Additionally, there are 2 servers running through BungeeCord. One is for logging in, and once logged in, it redirects to the main server. I allocated 2GB of RAM to the login server and 4GB to the other one.