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Cloaker hides your site's content from Google bots, allowing you to display your ads without being flagged for "system evasion and policy violation" before review. Why should you use Cloaker? It is used for sites that do not comply with Google's policies. Cloaker hides the site you want to redirect from Google bots and ensures approval of your ads. About Usage: You do not need to set up a database. Simply create a subdomain on your hosting, upload the files to your hosting following the instructions in the index.php channel provided to you. You do not need any coding knowledge. Country Selection: [1] Allows entry for TR, other countries cannot enter [2] Allows entry for USA, other countries cannot enter [None] Allows entry for all countries. Country Selection, Log Control, Theme Options, Open Source Code. Price: 1500 TL. Contact: 0537 946 59 64.