Hello friends, I have an AdWords account that was opened in 2015. The account was closed because no ads were published for 15 months. I reactivated it, but the account was suspended due to payment issues. When I checked the invoice summary and past payments, I didn't see any card or spending. I want to appeal, but I can't send the necessary documents because I don't know which card the suspicious payment came from. What should I do in this regard? Also, in 2018, my active account where I made payments of 50,000 TL was suspended for policy violations. Even when I opened a new account, it got suspended. I changed the domain and phone number on the site. What else should I pay attention to? The violation was sending unacceptable business practices information via email. Is it possible to recover from this? When it was audited, my site was down, could this be the reason? Can you help me with this? Industry (airline tickets).