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Hello friends, big brothers, esteemed teachers... I am trying to convert a site from using MySQL to MySQLi, but I am facing a small issue. The function I used to use as "Mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["uye_adi"])" is not working when I switched to MySQLi. Of course, I didn't forget to add the "i" when switching to MySQLi. I tried using "Mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST["uye_adi"])", but it didn't work. There is no issue with the database connection. The problem arises only when using the Mysqli_real_escape_string() function to retrieve a post. The system works fine when I remove this function, but then it becomes vulnerable to attacks. After some research, I came across information suggesting that it might be related to mysqli_character_set_name() (though I'm not certain). I didn't fully understand the situation, is there someone who knows about this?