What is AutoIt?
AutoIt is a free automation software for Microsoft Windows. While the initial versions of the software were focused solely on automation, it has since been expanded to become a programming tool capable of developing a wide range of applications.
Starting with version 3, the syntax was restructured to resemble BASIC-derived languages. It is a third-generation programming language that uses Variant variables capable of storing different types of data, including arrays. It is compatible with Windows 95, 98, NT4, XP, 2003, Vista, and Windows 7. However, support for versions prior to Windows 2000 has been discontinued since version
An AutoIt script can be compiled into a compressed EXE program that can run on computers without the AutoIt interpreter. A vast function library known as User Defined Functions (UDF) comes standard with the program or can be downloaded from the AutoIt website. AutoIt is also distributed with a free IDE based on the SciTE editor. The compiler and help files are fully integrated with the unit for developers using AutoIt.
MsgBox(0, "Title", "Hello, Webmasterforum!")
MsgBox(0, "Title", "Webmaster wmf")
$Viki = GUICreate("Webmasterforum!", 727, 451, 328, 141)
AutoIt is a free automation software for Microsoft Windows. While the initial versions of the software were focused solely on automation, it has since been expanded to become a programming tool capable of developing a wide range of applications.
Starting with version 3, the syntax was restructured to resemble BASIC-derived languages. It is a third-generation programming language that uses Variant variables capable of storing different types of data, including arrays. It is compatible with Windows 95, 98, NT4, XP, 2003, Vista, and Windows 7. However, support for versions prior to Windows 2000 has been discontinued since version
An AutoIt script can be compiled into a compressed EXE program that can run on computers without the AutoIt interpreter. A vast function library known as User Defined Functions (UDF) comes standard with the program or can be downloaded from the AutoIt website. AutoIt is also distributed with a free IDE based on the SciTE editor. The compiler and help files are fully integrated with the unit for developers using AutoIt.
MsgBox(0, "Title", "Hello, Webmasterforum!")
MsgBox(0, "Title", "Webmaster wmf")
$Viki = GUICreate("Webmasterforum!", 727, 451, 328, 141)