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Hello, my Google Ads account opened in 2018 was suspended in December 2019. It seems that the industry we advertise in, airline tickets, went through a manual review at that time, and phone call ads were running from our account. The server was down during the full review period, but there were no issues with the ads when the server was down. The comprehensive description of the Google Ads violation (as indicated below) shows it under the title of Unacceptable Business Practices, but we have no relation to the errors mentioned in the violation. We are an official agency with a TÜRSAB license. I am planning to file an appeal in this case, but we have no idea how to appeal and what to present. We are seeking your help and suggestions on this matter. Additionally, what are your recommendations to prevent the new account from being suspended? I have canceled the credit card I was using and requested a new one, changed my internet service provider, replaced the site interface and software, and am considering changing the computer. I also plan to try opening a new account with different door number information in the billing address. What else needs to be done and taken into consideration in this situation?